Services available for Florida & Colorado clientele only
Telehealth Counseling
At New Perspectives Counseling & Consulting, we offer telehealth counseling as a convenient online therapy option during times in which you may not be able to present in office. By using a virtual program at no cost to you, you can now access your therapist on the go or in the convenience of your own home. Teletherapy can be used exclusively or in conjunction with in-office counseling. When using telehealth services, you will be logging in through a protected virtual program that will not be shared with any other users except yourself and your therapist in order to best keep your therapy sessions confidential.
***At this time, we are ONLY doing Telehealth Counseling ***
How It Works
Your therapist will send you everything that you need to log in using your phone, tablet, or computer. There will be no difference in the techniques that your therapist will use with you during your session, except that you will be connecting using technology. There is no added fee, app, or account required on your end. All you will need is access to the Internet or a stable Wi-Fi connection and a working video camera and microphone on a phone, tablet, or computer. The telehealth platform we use is HIPPA-compliant and all sessions will be conducted in a confidential space.
Benefits & Risks
Teletherapy services allow you to have easier access to treatment with the convenience of meeting from a location of your choosing. There may be times that you are unable to make it into the office due to illnesses, inability to leave work in time for your scheduled appointment, transportation difficulties, or just simply getting caught up with the busyness of life. You can still attend your therapy session, despite these barriers, through a virtual portal that allows you to be able to continue making consistent progress towards your treatment goals.
Due to internet technology being used, there may be interruptions and technical difficulties due to poor connectivity. Therefore, we highly recommend you test your internet connection and speed, microphone and webcam prior to your telehealth counseling session.